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AI for lawyers in 2024: Maximising the power of eDiscovery

| Written by Altlaw

For lawyers, AI is becoming a necessity. Whether legal professionals learn to use the latest tools themselves or adopt the expertise of managed services, AI can provide several benefits if used effectively.

Throughout this blog post, we'll explore the current landscape of AI for lawyers and how to get the most out of the latest tools.


The evolution of AI in the legal sector

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed how lawyers approach their day-to-day tasks, revolutionising modern law practice. Over the years, AI has evolved into a powerful tool that can analyse vast amounts of data, find relevant information and provide insights to lawyers in a fraction of the time of manual methods.

In its early stages, AI for lawyers was primarily focused on automating repetitive tasks like document review and contract analysis. However, advancements in machine learning, language processing, data analytics and more have paved the way for a complete shift in the legal landscape.

AI-powered eDiscovery tools have become integral to legal workflows, and not using these applications could see your firm left behind.

Firms that adopt these tools can sift through mountains of electronically stored information (ESI), such as emails, social media posts and documents, to identify relevant information for their cases. Leveraging AI can lead to significant time and resource savings, facilitating growth.

The evolution of AI for lawyers has been nothing short of remarkable, with its potential continuously expanding. AI is expected to play an even more significant role in legal practice as technology advances, enabling lawyers to deliver even more efficient and effective legal services.


Exploring the latest eDiscovery tools

AI has revolutionised how lawyers handle electronic data. Manually reviewing documents is extremely time-consuming in comparison and often prone to human error. Therefore, AI-powered eDiscovery tools can be a game-changer for firms that still need to adopt them in their processes.

Let's explore some of the latest AI tools legal professionals use.


Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is a tool that allows legal professionals to understand the documents they're reviewing by analysing the language used.

The AI-powered tool uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to determine the sentiment, opinion or emotion expressed in text or speech. The process involves analysing words or phrases used in communication and the context in which they're used.

Sentiment analysis can be used to analyse a wide range of communications like social media posts, articles and legal documents. By doing so, legal professionals can quickly understand the sentiment of a topic or individual.