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How Aero Will Transform In-house Legal Operations: Guest Post

| Written by Altlaw
This article was originally written by Dylan Salisbury on May 13, 2020. Click here to see original blog post.

There is no shortage of pressure on today’s corporate legal teams. According to the 2019 CLOC State of the Industry survey, these teams areexperiencing a demand in services from many directions—and are still expected to be mindful about controlling costs and operating at peak efficiency.

Some teams are bringing more expertise in-house. Others are leveraging strategic partnerships to share the load. But everyone is looking for ways to simplify their day-to-day work, handle more complicated work with fewer roadblocks, and bring more predictability to their spend.

That’s where Aero UI comes in.

More Meets Less, Power Meets Simplicity

As a general trend, legal teams are now required to do work they haven’t traditionally done—and to be more efficient while they do it. With increasing responsibilities and ever-tighter budgets, something’s got to give.

In short, to keep up, corporate legal teams need an e-discovery solution that is simply powerful.

That’s the vision we have for Aero, the new UI coming to RelativityOne this year. But what does it mean for those teams who need more effective tech—tech that will grow with their workloads without bogging them down?

Power isn’t only about being the brawniest. That’s easy. True power is knowing how to apply just the right force in just the right way, achieving what you need to do as efficiently as possible. It’s about being strategic, thoughtful, and prudent in how you approach a challenge.

By bringing greater automation and simplicity to RelativityOne, we’re hoping to enable corporate teams to take on new and growing challenges—and ensure their efforts will satisfy stakeholders, without exhausting limited resources, with the flexibility to scale up in a flash should a matter blow up overnight.

With Aero, we’re delivering an unstructured data platform with lightspeed performance, automated workflows, and an intuitive user interface to empower all users—from the most novice reviewers to the seasoned masters—to discover the truth.