The importance of price transparency is an issue that we here at Altlaw regularly address. With our blogs on pricing, pricing page and our on-page cost calculator, making our client's provider procurement process as simple as possible is a challenge we strive to meet. However, once we have received a project, how do we ensure this cost transparency is followed through into the actual project? Well, this is where our Cost TrackerTM comes in!
Our one-of-a-kind, in-platform cost tracker allows our clients to monitor their real-time* project support costs, enabling them to confidently predict monthly expenditure and track the more responsive and unpredictable costs associated with eDiscovery.
How does it work?
Our expert team of project managers use a time-tracking application to record the time required to complete any and all actions taken to support you throughout your project. Within your RelativityOne instance, a custom tab is then created that, using a link to the time-tracking application, displays cost reporting for your project.
Within this custom tab, you have two pages:
Support weekly - this displays your overall support costs for the current week. You can toggle this report to show information from other weeks that may pertain to particular invoices etc if you so wish.